The final deadline for Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme claims and the Statutory Sick Pay Rebate scheme is approaching on 14th October 2021.

Final claims for September 2021 were up to 60% of Furloughed employees’ usual wages for the hours not worked, up to a cap of £1875 per month per employee. Companies are required to top up the employees’ wages by 20% to reach the 80% that is available to employees.
What happens next? Any Furloughed employees must be consulted with to decide whether they can:
a) Return to their full working hours – and decide how and when this will happen, and confirm it in writing
b) Be placed permanently on new reduced hours – this requires a change to their contract
c) Be made redundant – this requires a fair process with he right of appeal for those with over 2 years’ length of service.
If you haven’t already started the consultation process you will need to quickly, otherwise employees will have to be paid the full rate for their October hours regardless of whether you have them in work. You may have the option to place them on temporary lay off (subject to statutory lay off pay) or temporary reduced hours (short time working), subject to these clauses being within their employment contracts.
For a free consultation on the employment status of your employees and guidance on your options, get in touch: